Example: Aggregate function pushdown v5
MongoDB Foreign Data Wrapper supports pushdown for the following aggregate functions:
- AVG - Calculates the average of a set of values.
- COUNT - Counts rows in a specified table or view.
- MIN - Gets the minimum value in a set of values.
- MAX - Gets the maximum value in a set of values.
- SUM - Calculates the sum of values.
Postgres data set:
-- load extension first time after install CREATE EXTENSION mongo_fdw; -- create server object CREATE SERVER mongo_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mongo_fdw OPTIONS (address 'localhost', port '27017'); -- create user mapping CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER mongo_server OPTIONS (username 'edb', password 'edb'); -- create foreign table CREATE FOREIGN TABLE emp (_id NAME, eid INTEGER, deptid INTEGER) SERVER mongo_server OPTIONS (database 'edb', collection 'emp'); -- insert into table INSERT INTO emp VALUES (0, 100, 10); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (0, 110, 10); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (0, 120, 20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (0, 130, 30);
Enable/disable GUC for aggregate pushdown queries at the session level, table level, or server level:
-- Session level edb=# SET mongo_fdw.enable_aggregate_pushdown to true; SET -- Table level edb=# ALTER FOREIGN TABLE emp OPTIONS (ADD enable_aggregate_pushdown 'true'); Table altered -- Server level edb=# ALTER SERVER mongo_server OPTIONS (ADD enable_aggregate_pushdown 'true'); altered
Query with aggregate pushdown:
QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan (cost=15.00..25.00 rows=1 width=8) Output: (count(*)) Foreign Namespace: Aggregate on (db1.emp) (3 rows)
-- SUM function edb# EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT SUM(deptid) FROM emp;
QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan (cost=15.00..25.00 rows=1 width=8) Output: (sum(deptid)) Foreign Namespace: Aggregate on (db1.emp) (3 rows)
-- AVG function edb# EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT AVG(deptid) FROM emp;
QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan (cost=15.00..25.00 rows=1 width=32) Output: (avg(deptid)) Foreign Namespace: Aggregate on (db1.emp) (3 rows)
-- MAX function edb# EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT MAX(eid) FROM emp;
QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan (cost=15.00..25.00 rows=1 width=4) Output: (max(eid)) Foreign Namespace: Aggregate on (db1.emp) (3 rows)
-- MIN function edb# EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT MIN(eid) FROM emp;
QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan (cost=15.00..25.00 rows=1 width=4) Output: (min(eid)) Foreign Namespace: Aggregate on (db1.emp) (3 rows)
-- MIN and SUM functions with GROUPBY edb# EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT MIN(deptid), SUM(eid) FROM emp GROUP BY deptid HAVING MAX(eid) > 120;
QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan (cost=15.00..25.00 rows=200 width=16) Output: (min(deptid)), (sum(eid)), deptid Foreign Namespace: Aggregate on (db1.emp) (3 rows)