About the Examples Used in this Guide v11
The examples in this guide are shown in the type and background illustrated below.
Examples and output from examples are shown in fixed-width, white font on a black background.
The examples use the sample tables, dept, emp
, and jobhist
, created and loaded when Advanced Server is installed.
The tables and programs in the sample database can be re-created at any time by executing the following script:
where xx
is the Advanced Server version number.
In addition there is a script in the same directory containing the database objects created using syntax compatible with Oracle databases. This script file is edb-sample.sql
The script:
- Creates the sample tables and programs in the currently connected database.
- Grants all permissions on the tables to the
The tables and programs will be created in the first schema of the search path in which the current user has permission to create tables and procedures. You can display the search path by issuing the command:
You can use PSQL commands to modify the search path.
Sample Database Description
The sample database represents employees in an organization. It contains three types of records: employees, departments, and historical records of employees.
Each employee has an identification number, name, hire date, salary, and manager. Some employees earn a commission in addition to their salary. All employee-related information is stored in the emp
The sample company is regionally diverse, so it tracks the locations of its departments. Each company employee is assigned to a department. Each department is identified by a unique department number and a short name. Each department is associated with one location. All department-related information is stored in the dept
The company also tracks information about jobs held by the employees. Some employees have been with the company for a long time and have held different positions, received raises, switched departments, etc. When a change in employee status occurs, the company records the end date of the former position. A new job record is added with the start date and the new job title, department, salary, and the reason for the status change. All employee history is maintained in the jobhist
The following is the pg-sample.sql
SET datestyle TO 'iso, dmy'; -- -- Script that creates the 'sample' tables, views -- functions, triggers, etc. -- -- Start new transaction - commit all or nothing -- BEGIN; -- -- Create and load tables used in the documentation examples. -- -- Create the 'dept' table -- CREATE TABLE dept ( deptno NUMERIC(2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT dept_pk PRIMARY KEY, dname VARCHAR(14) CONSTRAINT dept_dname_uq UNIQUE, loc VARCHAR(13) ); -- -- Create the 'emp' table -- CREATE TABLE emp ( empno NUMERIC(4) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY, ename VARCHAR(10), job VARCHAR(9), mgr NUMERIC(4), hiredate DATE, sal NUMERIC(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_sal_ck CHECK (sal > 0), comm NUMERIC(7,2), deptno NUMERIC(2) CONSTRAINT emp_ref_dept_fk REFERENCES dept(deptno) ); -- -- Create the 'jobhist' table -- CREATE TABLE jobhist ( empno NUMERIC(4) NOT NULL, startdate TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL, enddate TIMESTAMP(0), job VARCHAR(9), sal NUMERIC(7,2), comm NUMERIC(7,2), deptno NUMERIC(2), chgdesc VARCHAR(80), CONSTRAINT jobhist_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno, startdate), CONSTRAINT jobhist_ref_emp_fk FOREIGN KEY (empno) REFERENCES emp(empno) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT jobhist_ref_dept_fk FOREIGN KEY (deptno) REFERENCES dept (deptno) ON DELETE SET NULL, CONSTRAINT jobhist_date_chk CHECK (startdate <= enddate) ); -- -- Create the 'salesemp' view -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW salesemp AS SELECT empno, ename, hiredate, sal, comm FROM emp WHERE job = 'SALESMAN'; -- -- Sequence to generate values for function 'new_empno'. -- CREATE SEQUENCE next_empno START WITH 8000 INCREMENT BY 1; -- -- Issue PUBLIC grants -- --GRANT ALL ON emp TO PUBLIC; --GRANT ALL ON dept TO PUBLIC; --GRANT ALL ON jobhist TO PUBLIC; --GRANT ALL ON salesemp TO PUBLIC; --GRANT ALL ON next_empno TO PUBLIC; -- -- Load the 'dept' table -- INSERT INTO dept VALUES (10,'ACCOUNTING','NEW YORK'); INSERT INTO dept VALUES (20,'RESEARCH','DALLAS'); INSERT INTO dept VALUES (30,'SALES','CHICAGO'); INSERT INTO dept VALUES (40,'OPERATIONS','BOSTON'); -- -- Load the 'emp' table -- INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7369,'SMITH','CLERK',7902,'17-DEC-80',800,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7499,'ALLEN','SALESMAN',7698,'20-FEB-81',1600,300,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7521,'WARD','SALESMAN',7698,'22-FEB-81',1250,500,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7566,'JONES','MANAGER',7839,'02-APR-81',2975,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7654,'MARTIN','SALESMAN',7698,'28-SEP-81',1250,1400,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7698,'BLAKE','MANAGER',7839,'01-MAY-81',2850,NULL,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7782,'CLARK','MANAGER',7839,'09-JUN-81',2450,NULL,10); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7788,'SCOTT','ANALYST',7566,'19-APR-87',3000,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7839,'KING','PRESIDENT',NULL,'17-NOV-81',5000,NULL,10); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7844,'TURNER','SALESMAN',7698,'08-SEP-81',1500,0,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7876,'ADAMS','CLERK',7788,'23-MAY-87',1100,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7900,'JAMES','CLERK',7698,'03-DEC-81',950,NULL,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7902,'FORD','ANALYST',7566,'03-DEC-81',3000,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7934,'MILLER','CLERK',7782,'23-JAN-82',1300,NULL,10); -- -- Load the 'jobhist' table -- INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7369,'17-DEC-80',NULL,'CLERK',800,NULL,20,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7499,'20-FEB-81',NULL,'SALESMAN',1600,300,30,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7521,'22-FEB-81',NULL,'SALESMAN',1250,500,30,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7566,'02-APR-81',NULL,'MANAGER',2975,NULL,20,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7654,'28-SEP-81',NULL,'SALESMAN',1250,1400,30,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7698,'01-MAY-81',NULL,'MANAGER',2850,NULL,30,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7782,'09-JUN-81',NULL,'MANAGER',2450,NULL,10,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7788,'19-APR-87','12-APR-88','CLERK',1000,NULL,20,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7788,'13-APR-88','04-MAY-89','CLERK',1040,NULL,20,'Raise'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7788,'05-MAY-90',NULL,'ANALYST',3000,NULL,20,'Promoted to Analyst'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7839,'17-NOV-81',NULL,'PRESIDENT',5000,NULL,10,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7844,'08-SEP-81',NULL,'SALESMAN',1500,0,30,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7876,'23-MAY-87',NULL,'CLERK',1100,NULL,20,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7900,'03-DEC-81','14-JAN-83','CLERK',950,NULL,10,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7900,'15-JAN-83',NULL,'CLERK',950,NULL,30,'Changed to Dept 30'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7902,'03-DEC-81',NULL,'ANALYST',3000,NULL,20,'New Hire'); INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (7934,'23-JAN-82',NULL,'CLERK',1300,NULL,10,'New Hire'); -- -- Populate statistics table and view (pg_statistic/pg_stats) -- ANALYZE dept; ANALYZE emp; ANALYZE jobhist; -- -- Function that lists all employees' numbers and names -- from the 'emp' table using a cursor. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION list_emp() RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_empno NUMERIC(4); v_ename VARCHAR(10); emp_cur CURSOR FOR SELECT empno, ename FROM emp ORDER BY empno; BEGIN OPEN emp_cur; RAISE INFO 'EMPNO ENAME'; RAISE INFO '----- -------'; LOOP FETCH emp_cur INTO v_empno, v_ename; EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND; RAISE INFO '% %', v_empno, v_ename; END LOOP; CLOSE emp_cur; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- Function that selects an employee row given the employee -- number and displays certain columns. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION select_emp ( p_empno NUMERIC ) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_ename emp.ename%TYPE; v_hiredate emp.hiredate%TYPE; v_sal emp.sal%TYPE; v_comm emp.comm%TYPE; v_dname dept.dname%TYPE; v_disp_date VARCHAR(10); BEGIN SELECT INTO v_ename, v_hiredate, v_sal, v_comm, v_dname ename, hiredate, sal, COALESCE(comm, 0), dname FROM emp e, dept d WHERE empno = p_empno AND e.deptno = d.deptno; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE INFO 'Employee % not found', p_empno; RETURN; END IF; v_disp_date := TO_CHAR(v_hiredate, 'MM/DD/YYYY'); RAISE INFO 'Number : %', p_empno; RAISE INFO 'Name : %', v_ename; RAISE INFO 'Hire Date : %', v_disp_date; RAISE INFO 'Salary : %', v_sal; RAISE INFO 'Commission: %', v_comm; RAISE INFO 'Department: %', v_dname; RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE INFO 'The following is SQLERRM : %', SQLERRM; RAISE INFO 'The following is SQLSTATE: %', SQLSTATE; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- A RECORD type used to format the return value of -- function, 'emp_query'. -- CREATE TYPE emp_query_type AS ( empno NUMERIC, ename VARCHAR(10), job VARCHAR(9), hiredate DATE, sal NUMERIC ); -- -- Function that queries the 'emp' table based on -- department number and employee number or name. Returns -- employee number and name as INOUT parameters and job, -- hire date, and salary as OUT parameters. These are -- returned in the form of a record defined by -- RECORD type, 'emp_query_type'. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp_query ( IN p_deptno NUMERIC, INOUT p_empno NUMERIC, INOUT p_ename VARCHAR, OUT p_job VARCHAR, OUT p_hiredate DATE, OUT p_sal NUMERIC ) AS $$ BEGIN SELECT INTO p_empno, p_ename, p_job, p_hiredate, p_sal empno, ename, job, hiredate, sal FROM emp WHERE deptno = p_deptno AND (empno = p_empno OR ename = UPPER(p_ename)); END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- Function to call 'emp_query_caller' with IN and INOUT -- parameters. Displays the results received from INOUT and -- OUT parameters. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp_query_caller() RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_deptno NUMERIC; v_empno NUMERIC; v_ename VARCHAR; v_rows INTEGER; r_emp_query EMP_QUERY_TYPE; BEGIN v_deptno := 30; v_empno := 0; v_ename := 'Martin'; r_emp_query := emp_query(v_deptno, v_empno, v_ename); RAISE INFO 'Department : %', v_deptno; RAISE INFO 'Employee No: %', (r_emp_query).empno; RAISE INFO 'Name : %', (r_emp_query).ename; RAISE INFO 'Job : %', (r_emp_query).job; RAISE INFO 'Hire Date : %', (r_emp_query).hiredate; RAISE INFO 'Salary : %', (r_emp_query).sal; RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE INFO 'The following is SQLERRM : %', SQLERRM; RAISE INFO 'The following is SQLSTATE: %', SQLSTATE; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- Function to compute yearly compensation based on semimonthly -- salary. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp_comp ( p_sal NUMERIC, p_comm NUMERIC ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ BEGIN RETURN (p_sal + COALESCE(p_comm, 0)) * 24; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- Function that gets the next number from sequence, 'next_empno', -- and ensures it is not already in use as an employee number. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION new_empno() RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE v_cnt INTEGER := 1; v_new_empno INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE v_cnt > 0 LOOP SELECT INTO v_new_empno nextval('next_empno'); SELECT INTO v_cnt COUNT(*) FROM emp WHERE empno = v_new_empno; END LOOP; RETURN v_new_empno; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- Function that adds a new clerk to table 'emp'. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hire_clerk ( p_ename VARCHAR, p_deptno NUMERIC ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE v_empno NUMERIC(4); v_ename VARCHAR(10); v_job VARCHAR(9); v_mgr NUMERIC(4); v_hiredate DATE; v_sal NUMERIC(7,2); v_comm NUMERIC(7,2); v_deptno NUMERIC(2); BEGIN v_empno := new_empno(); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (v_empno, p_ename, 'CLERK', 7782, CURRENT_DATE, 950.00, NULL, p_deptno); SELECT INTO v_empno, v_ename, v_job, v_mgr, v_hiredate, v_sal, v_comm, v_deptno empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM emp WHERE empno = v_empno; RAISE INFO 'Department : %', v_deptno; RAISE INFO 'Employee No: %', v_empno; RAISE INFO 'Name : %', v_ename; RAISE INFO 'Job : %', v_job; RAISE INFO 'Manager : %', v_mgr; RAISE INFO 'Hire Date : %', v_hiredate; RAISE INFO 'Salary : %', v_sal; RAISE INFO 'Commission : %', v_comm; RETURN v_empno; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE INFO 'The following is SQLERRM : %', SQLERRM; RAISE INFO 'The following is SQLSTATE: %', SQLSTATE; RETURN -1; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- Function that adds a new salesman to table 'emp'. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hire_salesman ( p_ename VARCHAR, p_sal NUMERIC, p_comm NUMERIC ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE v_empno NUMERIC(4); v_ename VARCHAR(10); v_job VARCHAR(9); v_mgr NUMERIC(4); v_hiredate DATE; v_sal NUMERIC(7,2); v_comm NUMERIC(7,2); v_deptno NUMERIC(2); BEGIN v_empno := new_empno(); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (v_empno, p_ename, 'SALESMAN', 7698, CURRENT_DATE, p_sal, p_comm, 30); SELECT INTO v_empno, v_ename, v_job, v_mgr, v_hiredate, v_sal, v_comm, v_deptno empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM emp WHERE empno = v_empno; RAISE INFO 'Department : %', v_deptno; RAISE INFO 'Employee No: %', v_empno; RAISE INFO 'Name : %', v_ename; RAISE INFO 'Job : %', v_job; RAISE INFO 'Manager : %', v_mgr; RAISE INFO 'Hire Date : %', v_hiredate; RAISE INFO 'Salary : %', v_sal; RAISE INFO 'Commission : %', v_comm; RETURN v_empno; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE INFO 'The following is SQLERRM : %', SQLERRM; RAISE INFO 'The following is SQLSTATE: %', SQLSTATE; RETURN -1; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- Rule to INSERT into view 'salesemp' -- CREATE OR REPLACE RULE salesemp_i AS ON INSERT TO salesemp DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO emp VALUES (NEW.empno, NEW.ename, 'SALESMAN', 7698, NEW.hiredate, NEW.sal, NEW.comm, 30); -- -- Rule to UPDATE view 'salesemp' -- CREATE OR REPLACE RULE salesemp_u AS ON UPDATE TO salesemp DO INSTEAD UPDATE emp SET empno = NEW.empno, ename = NEW.ename, hiredate = NEW.hiredate, sal = NEW.sal, comm = NEW.comm WHERE empno = OLD.empno; -- -- Rule to DELETE from view 'salesemp' -- CREATE OR REPLACE RULE salesemp_d AS ON DELETE TO salesemp DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno = OLD.empno; -- -- After statement-level trigger that displays a message after -- an insert, update, or deletion to the 'emp' table. One message -- per SQL command is displayed. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_audit_trig() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE v_action VARCHAR(24); v_text TEXT; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN v_action := ' added employee(s) on '; ELSIF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN v_action := ' updated employee(s) on '; ELSIF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN v_action := ' deleted employee(s) on '; END IF; v_text := 'User ' || USER || v_action || CURRENT_DATE; RAISE INFO ' %', v_text; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER user_audit_trig AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON emp FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE user_audit_trig(); -- -- Before row-level trigger that displays employee number and -- salary of an employee that is about to be added, updated, -- or deleted in the 'emp' table. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp_sal_trig() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE sal_diff NUMERIC(7,2); BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN RAISE INFO 'Inserting employee %', NEW.empno; RAISE INFO '..New salary: %', NEW.sal; RETURN NEW; END IF; IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN sal_diff := NEW.sal - OLD.sal; RAISE INFO 'Updating employee %', OLD.empno; RAISE INFO '..Old salary: %', OLD.sal; RAISE INFO '..New salary: %', NEW.sal; RAISE INFO '..Raise : %', sal_diff; RETURN NEW; END IF; IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN RAISE INFO 'Deleting employee %', OLD.empno; RAISE INFO '..Old salary: %', OLD.sal; RETURN OLD; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER emp_sal_trig BEFORE DELETE OR INSERT OR UPDATE ON emp FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE emp_sal_trig(); COMMIT;
- On this page
- Sample Database Description